About Our Company

We developed LearningSuite to solve problems that others struggle to address. Our approach uniquely combines technical expertise with creative ingenuity.

> 270%
Growth over previous year

History of our company

In 2018, we decided to make the world more beautiful and user-friendly with attractive high-end websites and intuitive apps. Our digital agency, SeekInnovation, and later, in April 2021, LearningSuite GmbH emerged from this project. As a website agency, we have dedicated ourselves to the success of our customers and, as a software service provider, we have always kept the wishes of end users in the foreground. With over 50 customer projects, we know what it means to work in a customer and user-oriented way. In 2021, we started developing LearningSuite.

Our mission

We make digital learning faster & easier than ever before!

“We help companies, coaches, trainers and experts successfully train employees and customers — without expensive seminars or thick manuals." We are committed to significantly simplifying the process of creating learning content and want to offer our customers the best possible experience and support on the market. In the coming years, we want to revolutionise the e-learning market and establish ourselves as an international standard.

novembre 2018
The Origin Story
Our three founders: Alexander Knechtl, Florian Gerstner & Fabio Moretti founded their first company called SeekInnovation OG. Their mission? Build software that feels good and is immediately understood.

As a first contract, SeekInnovation OG developed a learning platform for insurance agents and financial advisors. The requirement was to create an app and a website that was immediately understood, with a learning algorithm that would ensure that students succeed.

February 2020
Many companies have recognized the talents of the trio. Fabio is a technical genius, always ready with a solution for any problem. Florian is the creative force, adept at simplifying and beautifully presenting complex issues. Alex, a perfectionist, acts as the crucial link between technology and design, ensuring outstanding results.

In just two years, SeekInnovation OG has successfully completed over 25 software projects and expanded its team by hiring 7 employees. During this period, a significant trend emerged: an increasing number of companies are in need of a learning platform that can be systematically used to train both employees and customers.

April 2021
Having already established five learning platforms for various companies, we made the decision in April 2021 to launch LearningSuite GmbH, committing ourselves entirely to the field of e-learning.

In just three months, we developed an interactive design prototype. Our objective: to create a versatile learning platform suitable for any application, be it for a company, coach, or school. A key feature of this platform is its content editor, designed to be so intuitive that anyone can understand and use it immediately.

June 2021
Our interactive prototype quickly proved its worth, successfully convincing six customers in a short time that LearningSuite represents the future of e-learning. With a development budget exceeding €250,000, we commenced the development of LearningSuite at the end of June 2021, following an extensive conceptualization phase.

Having already built five platforms, we had a clear vision of how to structure LearningSuite this time around, ensuring the final product would meet our high standards.

February 2022
The moment has finally arrived. After months of dedicated effort, we launched the first beta version of LearningSuite. Within just a few weeks, LearningSuite attracted its first hundred users.

However, the journey wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Our development budget of €250,000 was nearly depleted. We urgently needed a plan. We held various meetings with funding and investor advisors, but the feedback we received was sobering. According to them, finding an investor for our scale would take at least nine months. But our goal was different; we aimed to secure an investor within just eight weeks.

March 2022
Following numerous sleepless nights and extensive discussions with potential investors, we had the opportunity to meet Andreas and Markus Baulig at an event organized by LoftFilm in Munich, which took place in March 2022.

We presented LearningSuite to Andreas and Markus Baulig, and within minutes, they were thoroughly impressed with our solution. As the managing directors of one of Germany's largest digital management consultancies, they had a keen understanding of what's crucial in a learning platform. The very next day, we flew to Koblenz with them. After several days of negotiations, we reached a decision to collaborate and scale LearningSuite to its full potential.

April 2022
The deal was legally finalized in April. The Baulig brothers officially became investors and partners in LearningSuite.

In the months that followed, we dedicated our full focus to transforming LearningSuite into a scalable SAAS product, perfecting it with the invaluable feedback from the Bauligs.

September 2022
🚀 LearningSuite release
The official release of LearningSuite took place on September 15 and it was a resounding success. In the first week alone, over 200 companies signed up for our waiting list, and we quickly sold the first 15 premium instances of LearningSuite.

In just two months, we received over 1,000 contact inquiries through our website and have successfully sold to more than 80 high-value customers, accounting for over 100 instances of LearningSuite. The feedback from our customers is unequivocal: They love LearningSuite.

Am 28.10.2022 hatte Flo eine Live-Demonstration von LearningSuite auf der Bühne des Top-Arbeitgeber-Kongresses in Hamburg vor 600 Unternehmern. Du kannst dir das Video des Vortrags auf unserer Homepage oder unserem YouTube-Kanal ansehen.

April 2023
Am 27. April 2023, nur ein halbes Jahr nach dem offiziellen Release, hatten wir unser erstes Live-Event in Koblenz, Deutschland, exklusiv für unsere Kunden. Über 80 Kunden reisten aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz an, um an dem Event teilzunehmen.

Warum veranstalten wir als Software-Unternehmen ein Live-Kunden-Event? Weil es die beste Möglichkeit ist, um direkt mit unseren Kunden in Kontakt zu treten, Verbesserungsvorschläge aufzunehmen und zu verstehen, was sie wirklich von unserer Software erwarten. Durch Top-Vorträge zum Thema E-Learning von uns und eingeladenen Experten konnten wir viel Mehrwert bieten und auf individuelle Fragen eingehen.

Dezember 2023
2023 war ein unglaubliches Jahr: Innerhalb eines Jahres haben wir über 25 neue Features veröffentlicht und 500 deutschsprachige Unternehmen als Kunden gewonnen.

Auch unsere Mitarbeiterzahl konnten wir innerhalb eines Jahres verdoppeln. Zudem ist LearningSuite eines der wenigen SaaS-Software-Unternehmen, das zu 100 % selbstfinanziert ist und Gewinne erzielt.

Mai 2024
🥇 Wir sind die Nr. 1
Seit Mai 2024 sind wir das bestbewertete Software-Unternehmen in Österreich und die Nummer 1 E-Learning Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum laut Trustpilot, mit mittlerweile über 210 5-Sterne-Bewertungen .

Doch das ist für uns erst der Anfang. Unser nächstes Ziel ist es, bis es in den englischsprachigen Markt zu expandieren und die bestbewertete Plattform in ganz Europa zu werden!

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