Terms and Conditions & License Agreement

License Agreement

This license agreement is an agreement between the LearningSuite company and the contractor on the LEARNINGSUITE platform. A company is designated as a contractual partner when it creates an account and accepts these terms and conditions. Only registered companies can become contractual partners under this agreement.

1. Introduction

LearningSuite GmbH provides an online content creation platform, "LearningSuite", which enables the Contractor to create, design and publish courses and services ("Content") for its users. The full range of tools and services offered through the Platform are referred to in this agreement as "Services." The Company is neither a content provider nor an educational institution. The Contractor and the Users are not employees of the Company.

The Company is not responsible for the interactions between a Contractor and the Users, except for providing the technical means by which the Contractors make their Content available. The Company shall not be liable for any disputes, claims, losses, injuries or damages of any kind arising out of the relationship between Contractor and User, including but not limited to User's reliance on the information provided by Contractor or Contractor's Content at any time.

2. Company Information

The website LearningSuite.io and our platform ("LEARNINGSUITE") are owned and operated by:

Companies' register number :

Sales tax identification number:


3. Trademark

LearningSuite GmbH is the sole owner of the registered trademark "LearningSuite", registration number 18718664.

4. Definitions

4.1. Definitions

For the purposes of this license agreement: 

  • Agreement" refers to this License Agreement, constituting the entire agreement between the company and the contractor regarding the use of the platform.
  • Company" referred to in this contract as "the Company," "we," "us," or "our") refers to LearningSuite GmbH.
  • Platform" refers to the website and the product named LEARNINGSUITE, operated by the Company.
  • Content" refers to content such as texts, images, or other information that can be posted, uploaded, linked, or otherwise made available by the contractor, regardless of the form of this content.
  • Device" means any device that can access the platform, including but not limited to computers, mobile phones, or digital tablets.
  • Contractor" (referred to in this agreement as "the Contractor," "they," or "their") is the company that is a party to this License Agreement.  
  • Profile” refers to the contractor’s account on the platform.
  • “User” refers to the individuals added by the contractor to their profile..
  • “Subscription” refers to a subscription to the platform.
  • “Website” refers to the domain or subdomain of LearningSuite.io or a domain or subdomain provided by the contractor.