Features that
generate upsells
super schnell sind
kinderleicht sind
effizient sind
durchdacht sind
Upsells generieren
Content creation
Course management

The features shown here are just a small selection of the many available. We recommend a free demo call to get a detailed overview of LearningSuite.

Book a demo call

Platform in your branding

With the design settings, you can customise your platform to exactly match the design of your website.

Setting options

Configure your platform with your colors, logo, font & more.

Custom Branding

Hier siehst du wie individuell deine LearningSuite Akademie aussehen kann.

Dark mode & languages

Wir unterstützen auch einen Dark-Mode und die Sprachen Deutsch & Englisch.

Reusable modules

Organize your content into modules and reuse them in multiple courses.

Module overview

Start your content creation with modules and organize them into folders.

Reusing modules

Diese Module kannst du wie Bausteine in mehreren Kursen öfter wiederverwenden.

Add a synchronized module to a course

So einfach geht's. Einfach im Kurs auf "Modul hinzufügen" klicken und das Modul auswählen.

Course dashboard

Creating courses is easy as can be because you see the course just like your members.

Easy drag-and-drop actions

Structuring courses is easy with simple drag-and-drop of content & modules.

Content drip

Steuere ganz genau, wann ein Mitglied Zugriff zu Inhalten bekommen soll.

Course widgets

Platziere Upsells oder Informationen über den nächsten Live-Call mit den Kurs-Widgets.

Easy to use user management

Regardless of whether 100 members or 10,000. With our user management, you will always have a concise overview.

Member management

Manage individual members and keep track of learning status, statistics, etc.

Group management

Mit Gruppen kannst du mehreren Mitgliedern mit wenigen Klicks Inhalte zuweisen.

Team management

Weise deinen Trainern bzw. Führungskräften Rollen zu und vergebe Rechte.

Submission feature

Ask for submissions, let your members work on them, and provide them with the feedback they need.

Member sends submission

The member completes the submission and then sends it to the trainer.

Trainer gives feedback

Der Trainer bekommt eine Benachrichtigung und kann dem Mitglied Feedback senden.

Submission will be reviewed

Bewerte die Abgabe und entscheide, ob die Übung nochmal gemacht werden muss.

Premium experience for users

With LearningSuite, you offer your users an intuitive premium experience that will be understood intuitively.

Texts, video, audio and multimedia submissions

Train users with multimedia content and have them submit audio/video-recordings or texts for evaluation.

Interactive content

Prüfe mit interaktiven Inhalten den Wissensstand deiner Nutzer und festige so das gelernte Wissen.

Audios, images, files & more

Biete die Möglichkeit Bilder im Detail anzusehen und stelle Dateien zum Download zur Verfügung.

Experience LearningSuite Live in a non-binding demo call:

In the demo call, we will show you the software in detail, individually tailored to your use case (onboarding, coaching platform, online course) and answer all your questions.

Book a non-binding demo call now

More features which are only available in LearningSuite:

Intuitive content editor

With our extensive editor, you can design learning content exactly the way you need it.

Texts and multimedia content

Combine headlines, bullet points, and info fields with images, videos, and audios.

Interactive elements

Füge jederzeit Multiple-Choice Aufgaben oder Lückentexte ein, um das Wissen deiner Mitglieder zu prüfen.

Submission elements

Mitglieder geben Video, Text, Audio oder Dateien ab und Trainer bewerten die Abgaben mit Feedback.

Easy video creation

Create video content directly on the platform without relying on external tools.

Video recording

With the integrated video recorder, you can record razor-sharp content at lightning speed.

Video editing

Nach der Aufnahme kannst du das Video mit wenigen Klicks kürzen, oder Versprecher entfernen.

Video upload

Durch unsere deutschen High-End Server ist das Video blitzschnell in der Lektion hochgeladen.

Custom dashboards

With LearningSuite hubs, you can build custom dashboards for customers or employees.

Intranets for your employees

Set up intranets for employees with all necessary links and information for every position.

Customer dashboard

Stelle als Agentur deinen Kunden alle nötigen Links zur Verfügung und platziere gezielt Upsells.

Individual coaching dashboard

Wir helfen dir beim Aufbau deiner Dashboards. Hier siehst du ein Dashboard für ein Aktien-Coaching.

Experience LearningSuite Live in a non-binding demo call:

In the demo call, we will show you the software in detail, customised to your use case (onboarding, coaching platform, online course) and answer all your questions.

Book a non-binding demo call

Additional features, that might be relevant to you:

Personalized emails

Adapt platform emails textually and stylistically to your needs.


Create automations with Zapier. Sell courses with Copecart and more.

Scheduled content access

Only unlock content after a few weeks and decide who should see what and when.


Get notifications from members when they submit submissions.

Excel import & export

Export and import data and users from other platforms.

Course transfer service

For selected platforms, we'll help you migrate your data.

Code integrations

Add custom code and personalise your platform even further.

EU video hosting

Videos are stored on EU servers and backups are made daily.

VIP support

Our support team will help you with your concerns via live chat.

Innovative and unique.
Our Top Features at a glance:

Experience LearningSuite firsthand in a live demo call now!

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